An introduction to the preaching at Grace Life Church


How We Teach the Bible

At Grace Life Church, every week you’ll see that we love God’s Word. 

Elder Nate Koenig preaching sermons into a microphone at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA


Watch or Listen to a Sermon

Featured sermons are handpicked messages that give you an introduction to the preaching at Grace Life Church.

The words "The Church that Jesus built Mattew 16:21-23" on an orange background.

Sets Their Minds on the Things of God

Pastor: Seth Channell (Lead Pastor)

Scripture: Matthew 16:21-23

The words "Exodus 23:10-19 Unearthing Hope in Ancient Ethics" against a bright blue background.

That’ll Do, Pig. That’ll Do.

Pastor: Seth Channell (Lead Pastor)

Scripture: Exodus 23:10-19

The words "Seeing God Among the Rubble Ezra 9:1-15" on a black and turquoise background.

How Can I Receive Restoration

Pastor: Seth Channell (Lead Pastor)

Scripture: Ezra 9:1-15

The words "Becoming a Transformed Church 1 Corinthians 2:1-5" on a tan background

What’s Under the Hood of a Vibrant Church?

Pastor: Seth Channell (Lead Pastor)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:1-5