Get to know the Grace Life Church team


We Aim to be Servant Leaders

Our goal as a leadership team is to submit ourselves to the authority of scripture and use our God-given talents for the gospel of Jesus Christ.


We Don't Do This Alone

Our ministry team leaders are instrumental in carrying out the mission and values of our church.

Ministry team leader Stacy Bacon smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Stacy Bacon


Ministry team leader Joe Book smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Joe Book


Ministry team leader Andrew Owen smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Andrew Owen


Ministry team leader Steve Curren smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Steve Curren


Ministry team leader Joe DeSaulniers smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Joe Desaulniers


Ministry team leader Brad George smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Brad George


Ministry team leader Jennifer Olson smiles at the camera at Grace Life Church in Ankeny, IA

Jennifer Olson


Alan Anderson


What do you do for a living? I work at an online education company called CoachingActuaries that helps aspiring actuaries pass their exams and go further in their careers. My responsibility is to develop software and to oversee and mentor the software platform development team. I also own Crown Cleaners, a dry cleaning and laundry service in West Des Moines. My responsibility at Grace Life is to mentor the leadership team.

When did you begin serving as an elder? 2016

What is your testimony of faith in Christ? The Lord saved me at the age of 13 when I recognized my sin and the need for His Grace. I did not grow in the Lord but drifted in life for about 12 years. At that point, I was exposed to a local church that preached the Word with power and clarity and a few key people in that church loved me. Wow, His Word has gripped my soul ever since.

Family? Barb and I were married in the spring of 1981. We have 5 children and 12 grandchildren.

Where are you from? I grew up on a ranch in Nebraska.

What are some books (other than the Bible) that are favorites? How People Change by Paul Tripp, Knowing God by J.I. Packer, Abide in Christ by Andrew Murray

What are some of your hobbies and interests? I like hiking and spending time with friends and family.

Seth Channell

Lead Pastor/Elder

What do you do for a living?
I am the lead pastor of Grace Life Church.

When did you begin serving as an elder? 2012

What is your testimony of faith in Christ? Since I was a child, I have been surrounded by the gospel. I professed faith in Christ when I was eight and then came to a fuller understanding of my sin and the gospel when I was fourteen or fifteen.

Family? I married Debbie in 2004, and we have five children.

What is your educational background and pastoral experience? I have been in pastoral ministry since 2004 and have a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Southern Seminary.

Where are you from? I am from Russellville, AL.

What are some books (other than the Bible) that are favorites? Spiritual Depression by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Nathan Coulter by Wendell Berry, George Whitfield by Arnold Dallimore

What are some of your hobbies and interests? I enjoy watching sports, science-fiction, and historical dramas. I enjoy traveling to national parks, historic sites, and baseball stadiums. I enjoy reading almost everything.

Nate Koenig


What do you do for a living? Since 1997, my career calling has been to serve as an entrepreneur and business developer with a heart toward helping to hold the rope of the local church and related ministries. I currently serve as Chief Strategy Officer of The Integration Group, a domestic and international third-party logistics company. I also hold various other ownership interests and board seats in companies in real estate and ecommerce. My responsibility at Grace Life is to help mentor the leadership team, support growth strategies and guide mergers and acquisitions.

When did you begin serving as an elder? 2016

What is your testimony of faith in Christ? I was raised in a religious home and schooled in a parochial school where the word of God was present, but it wasn’t until my early twenties that I truly was confronted with the Gospel and rescued from my sin. From there I professed faith in Christ and began to walk in a manor worthy (though not perfectly) of the sacrifice that Christ paid on my behalf. Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound That Saved a Wretch Like Me!

Family? I was married to my wife Carrie in February of 2004 and we have 6 living children (3 boys and 3 girls).

Where are you from? I grew up mostly on small homesteads in rural Iowa County with most of my time on my grandfather’s farm near Marengo Iowa.

What are some books (other than the Bible) that are favorites? The Cross of Christ by John Stott, Spiritual Depression by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Attributes of God by AW Pink, Knowing God by J.I. Packer

What are some of your hobbies and interests? I love hosting people, young and old, to our property for various activities. I enjoy working outside on projects with my family, cutting wood, watching Michigan sports, lifting weights, hunting/fishing and riding horses or anything motorized.

Caleb Lenard

Equipping Pastor/Elder

What do you do for a living? I am the equipping pastor of Grace Life Church.

When did you begin serving as an elder? 2022

What is your testimony of faith in Christ? I became a Christian at a very early age and have always been fascinated with the Bible and captivated by the person and work of Jesus Christ. I was surrounded by the gospel all of my life but became aware of my sin and need for the salvation that only Jesus provides around the age of 8.

Family? I married Amelia in 2014 and we have two children.

What is your educational background and pastoral experience? I have a master’s degree in Biblical and theological studies and a doctorate in applied theology. I have been in pastoral and teaching ministries within the church since 2015.

Where are you from? I am from Rifle, Colorado

What are some books (other than the Bible) that are favorites? Knowing God by J.I. Packer, Desiring God by John Piper, Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves, Anything by Ted Dekker

What are some of your hobbies and interests? I enjoy CrossFit, woodworking, hiking, fishing, camping and just being outside! I love to read, typically theological and philosophical books, but I do enjoy novels and biographies as well.